Re: [artworks] Ideas for new version

  • From: Martin Wuerthner <lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: artworks@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 16 Jan 2007 10:49:26 +0100

In message <4ea5a2a139Artworks@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
          Richard Underwood <Artworks@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> One more thing that I have just thought of is that I notice that Artworks
> (unlike many apps on riscos and all apps on win/mac) does not contain any
> title field in its postscript output.

Thanks, I never noticed that.

> Without the document title it becomes very difficult to differentiate
> between jobs in a queue on network printers etc.  Would it be a big
> job to remedy this?

Not really, I have just added it. It will appear in the next upgrade, 
whenever that will be released.

Interestingly, the title as specified by the printing application only 
appears in the PostScript output when using Castle's version of 
Printers (the so-called "pop-up" Printers, e.g., Printers 1.72 on the 
Iyonix or Printers 1.67a on VRPC-Adjust).

This confused me quite a bit when I just tested this change because I 
first tested it with Printers+ on RISC OS Adjust and with this 
combination there is never a title in the PostScript output no matter 
from which application I print.

Martin Wuerthner           MW Software          lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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