Re: jfw for the blind or visually impaired

  • From: <angel238@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <jfw@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2011 15:17:52 -0400

I know it seems so, but, when you consider all the different things our blind 
children are expected to learn these days.  After all, they are introduced to 
mainstreaming at an earlier age than were we; and are expected to keep pace 
with their sighted peers?  It amazes me the amount of things they are expected 
to learn.  After all, the axiom still holds  that we blind have to do things  
twice as well to be considered by most to be half as good as are they.  The 
more he uses the computer along with whatever screen assistance tool he chooses 
the more proficient he will become. 
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: kimsan 
  To: jfw@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 
  Sent: Thursday, March 17, 2011 11:40 AM
  Subject: RE: jfw for the blind or visually impaired


  Thanks for the suggestion and whenever I taught screen readers in the past I 
always mentioned and explained the differences and how there are application 
spicific commands, screen reader commands and window commands, which brings me 
to my next point that I just remembered.

  When the issue of teaching the students jaws came up, the teacher for the 
blind stated, "I'm thinking twice about having you teach this person jaws" and 
I was like "why"  and the response was there are to many commands for this 
student to remember and it might not work out for him.

  Not defending this person but maybe she thought that was ok because he was in 
the sixth grade and now he is in seventh.

  Thanks for all of your input. I have enjoyed reading them.

  Take care. 


  From: jfw-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:jfw-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of 
  Sent: Thursday, March 17, 2011 4:59 AM
  To: jfw@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  Subject: Re: jfw for the blind or visually impaired


  Just a suggestion.  When teaching keyboard commands teach windows commands 
first before teaching Jaws specific commands.  The reason being windows 
keyboard commands will work on any computer regardless the screen reader.  
Perhaps you could mention the use of a screen magnification program rather than 
using Jaws.  If your students are expecting no further vision loss the virtual 
buffer will confuse the student.  Because what is heard with the screen reader 
will not match what is seen by instructors.  Mention to them that Jaws was 
meant to be used most efficiently by the blind, and not by those with sight.  
Perhaps you can demonstrate this point as well.  Perhaps the students might be 
better served with a screen magnification program rather than a screen reader.  

    ----- Original Message ----- 

    From: Kimsan Song 

    To: jfw@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 

    Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2011 11:38 PM

    Subject: RE: jfw for the blind or visually impaired



    Great story.

    I, to love hearing about success stories like that.

    Take care.



    From: jfw-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:jfw-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf 
Of Tom Lange
    Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2011 8:15 PM
    To: jfw@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
    Subject: Re: jfw for the blind or visually impaired



    You can talk all you want to about the degree of visual acuity below which 
the learning of JAWS is warranted, but my take on it is this: if a person has 
some useful vision but there's even a remote possibility that the vision will 
deteriorate substantially, then JAWS should be seriously considered and 
encouraged.  I've taught many blind and visually impaired people over the past 
sixteen years, eight years or so in a classroom setting, and though some were 
dragged kicking and screaming into learning JAWS, ultimately it was time well 
spent.  One student of mine was likely to lose his vision because of diabetic 
retinopathy, and it was a really safe bet that one day his eyes would "blow 
out", to use his term, not mine.  He had a hell of a time buying into the idea 
of using JAWS at all, but sure enough, one day he woke up and his vision was 
completely gone.  No light perception, nada. He's since gone on to master JAWS, 
Kurzweil 1000, the Braille Note Apex and all sorts of other assistive 
technologies and he uses them to the fullest extent. Now he's director of a 
training program for blind youths and is doing very well indeed.  I love 
success stories like that.




      ----- Original Message ----- 

      From: Marie Lyons 

      To: jfw@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 

      Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2011 6:57 PM

      Subject: RE: jfw for the blind or visually impaired


      There are a group of visual disability that affect peripheral vision.  
That would mean you could get less of a word in your field of vision.   It 
could have to do with eye strain as well.  If you can see 20 point font but 
only read one letter at a time JAWS could be a very useful tool.




      -----Original Message-----
      From: jfw-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:jfw-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On 
Behalf Of Kimsan Song
      Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2011 7:36 PM
      To: jfw@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
      Subject: RE: jfw for the blind or visually impaired



      That was my Original thought.

      I kind of figured that there were no criteria, which brought me to 
presenting this discussion or lack of...

      Where I work, I am part of a multidisciplinary team supporting blind and 
visually impaired school students and I have observed the teachers for the 
blind assess these students and reccomend jaws training.

      My confusion was why when these students are able to read 20 plus pt font 
just fine, why introduce them to jaws? and when they use computers else where 
its the same exact set up font wise etc. Meaning, the only time they use jaws 
is when they are in class with me...

      Anyways, thanks for your response.

      Take care. 


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