[citw150] Re: CITW 150 L3 Q5

  • From: "Mason N\\A" <fast_crusin@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: citw150@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 7 Oct 2007 18:18:15 -0700 (PDT)

I understand what you are saying, but I also know that being a fire fighter and 
an EMT, it puts a new spin on something like 9-11. Ordinary citizens don't have 
to respond to terrorists attacks. I have nothing to hide, so no problem with 
the thought that someone might have read and email of mine. If it prevents 
something like another 9-11, then it is worth it.
  Mason Bushard

Alvaro Rios <alviously@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
        The societal issue that I looked into and chose to discuss is use of 
the FBI's computerized program Carnivore to monitor personal messages and 
accounts on the internet.  I personally feel that this is a gross violation of 
a United States citizens right to privacy and that it infringes upon basic 
civil rights set forth in our constitution.  With recent events leading to mass 
panic and fear over terrorist activities, this infringement by government 
organizations has only increased. We live in a demorcarcy to avoid having a 
governemt with too much power that takes away the rights from its citizens. For 
more information visit, http://www.crypto.com/papers/opentap.html
  Alvaro Rios
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