[lit-ideas] Re: FW: Re: ] Hillary Clinton Speaks Up for israel at U.N.Rally

  • From: "Phil Enns" <phil.enns@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2006 16:31:54 -0400

Omar Kusturica:

"If the authority of state is reducible to a particular form of
government, then it's not clear how the government can be changed
without ruining the state authority."

The 'authority of state' is an abstraction from the particular instances
of government.  The character of the 'authority of state' is dependent
on how things turn out.


"Also, how 'people order themselves' is not necessarily tantamount to
moral justification for a state."

Of course it isn't.  There are however distinctions that can be made
with regards to how people order themselves, upon which moral judgments
can be made.  For example, the 'beat the shit out of people I disagree
with' approach is morally deficient.


"I wish that he would give me credit of not assuming that all of my
comments are meant to advance the political interests of Palestinians or
Iraqis, or other groups."

Your posts are stridently ideological.  Apart from 'Death to Israel' or
'Death to America' posts, what else do you contribute?


"But the internal political arrangements of the Palestinians or Iraqis
or other Arab nations have little to do with the legitimacy of their
national interests."

Don't be silly.  The "internal political arrangement", that is, the
order under which they form government, is the expression of their
national interests.  Examine how a country orders its internal political
interests and you can accurately guess their national interests.


Phil Enns
Toronto, ON

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