[lit-ideas] Re: U.N. Special Committee on Palestine

  • From: Teemu Pyyluoma <teme17@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2006 16:25:53 -0700 (PDT)

--- JimKandJulieB@xxxxxxx wrote:

> I think Italy has been mentioned...
Yes and Spain too, but when it comes to combat ready
troops in Europe my understanding is that we would be
talking UK, France or the EU rapid response force,
latter being only six thousand strong anyway. For
other nations to mobilize would take time, and they
still don't have the capacity:

If we are talking about peace keepers, sure pretty
much any will do. But they are useless under current
conditions, peace keepers work under implicit
understanding that they will not be attacked by either
party and that can not be assumed at the moment. What
would be required is a force capable of disarming
Hezbollah, and also strong enough to deter IDF too.
Basically an invading army about as strong of US
forces in Iraq, tens of thousands of soldiers, tanks,
fighter planes, the works... Only armed forces apart
from US and UK that have anything like this kind of
capacity are the Russian and the French army
respectively. And there is no chance of those forces
materializing in Southern Lebanon.

Helsinki, Finland

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