[lit-ideas] Re: U.N. Special Committee on Palestine

  • From: John Wager <john.wager1@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2006 22:58:35 -0500

Omar Kusturica wrote:

--- Lawrence Helm <lawrencehelm@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

You say "A large number of the Palestinians were
expelled before the state
of Israel was officially established in May 1948.
. . .

*I haven't got all of my sources at hand. According to
this rather conservative estimate, around 250 000
Palestinians became refugees by June 1948:

Regardless of the history from almost 60 years ago, who on this list thinks that ANY resolution is possible if there is not a "two-state" solution? Eventually, there will be a state of Israel, and eventually, there will be a Palestinian state.

If that's the goal that must exist for any future for anybody in the region, how do we get closer? What steps should each side take?

"Never attribute to malice that which can be explained by incompetence and ignorance." -------------------------------------------------
John Wager john.wager1@xxxxxxxxxxx
Lisle, IL, USA

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