[lit-ideas] Re: Ideology vs Experience

  • From: "Simon Ward" <sedward@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 30 Sep 2006 19:25:15 +0100

"Trying to dispose of a hornet's nest always makes the hornets swarm."

Certainly, but the idea isn't to turn honey bees into hornets.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Eric Yost" <eyost1132@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Saturday, September 30, 2006 6:37 PM
Subject: [lit-ideas] Re: Ideology vs Experience

Simon: Do you accept that the war in Iraq has created more fundamentlists than there were before?

How are fundamentalists "created"? To call someone a fundamentalist is to say that the person in question believes that the interpretation of every word of a sacred text is a literal truth.

Usually, or so it seems, the intellectual development of people goes from a literal understanding to a figurative understanding, and not the other way, from metaphorical understanding back to literal understanding.

So "creating fundamentalists" implies that an event can cause people to shed complex and nuanced views of religion, devolving into an obedient and unquestioning acceptance of literal statements. Seems unlikely.

If all you mean is that the war in Iraq has caused more Muslims to join the fight against the West, what's the problem? Intensification of ground war in World War 2 caused more Nazis to join the fight against the Allies. Trying to dispose of a hornet's nest always makes the hornets swarm.

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