[ian-reeds-games] Re: Tactical Battle 1.11 dev 3

  • From: Austen Perry <austentheaxewielder@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: ian-reeds-games@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 24 Dec 2012 00:15:00 -0600

no using a voice that works great, the pause happens after this knew
update after a unit moves or fires not sure spacifics, but ther are
sometimes short pauses that are noticable, and i'll look in to when
exactly they occur to give you a better report.
but i definately want a way to turn that off, as it takes a 2 minute
turn of a team in to a 4 minute turn, with all the extra stuff that
doesn't help anyway lol.
i also was thinking on a better way to find units in a large map.
what about having a key that would take the cursor to the left right
up or down of the tile you where on until you hit a unit, if there was
none it would say so.
like control shift down arrow at 4 2 would take the curser to the end
of that row and if it hit a unit of either team it would stop, and if
you wanted to keep going you could press it again.
i like this better, as 1 listening to coordinates is confusing and
half the time i cant remember them with the stuff that going on and
with the period key andslash key it doesn't take you in a line from
the unit your on.
i like the streight line effect, as it also gives a line of sighs to
the user, meaning they could see if there was directly to the right of
a unit by pressing shift controll right arrow, and if there was it
could say evil warrior 4 3
an idea that i think could help a lot, especialy for people like
myself with larger maps that take getting used to and with open spaces
its hard to find the units your lookin for in relation to other units.
this might also be interesting to have as a skill, have a skill that
sends a projectile in a streight line in to a foged area that you cant
see, and if theres a unit in the path of the projectile it will take
damage. lol.
would be nice for fire from dragons and missciles and the likes.
anyway, thats my 2 cents about the knew announcing of coordinates, and
i realy thik that it makes the game more tedius in the end.


On 12/23/12, Ian Reed <support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Austen, not sure what the 30 second pauses would be.  That definitely
> should not be from the coordinate announcement.  I had someone
> specifically ask for the coordinate announcement so the solution will be
> to have an option to turn it off in game.
> If you figure out what is causing the 30 seconds of pausing I'd like to
> know.  It's not the SAPI voice you're using is it?
> Ian Reed
> On 12/23/2012 10:45 PM, Austen Perry wrote:
>> oh, forgot to put this in.
>> i am not a fan of the tile announcment.
>> the reason being it just adds too much more to the games speach output
>> and slows down the turns
>> if there could be a way to rid of it or turn it off that would be
>> great, i notice 30 second pauses every once in a while.
>> austen
>> On 12/23/12, Austen Perry <austentheaxewielder@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> yay my enemy ships actualy attack now!
>>> i'm so happy lol.
>>> you fixed the main bug that was putting me down lol, now the enemy
>>> actualy fights and kicks my but sometimes lol.
>>> now that i see them using there skills much better its pretty cool to
>>> see.
>>> i got slaughtered!
>>> one thing i found is that enemy ships where trying to summon mines
>>> units on tiles with my units, and it was giving an error that said
>>> like the enemy was summoning a mine on a used tile or something.
>>> probably should fix that its happened before but not sure where.
>>> for testing in my maps, use episode 2, and 1 hold controll down till
>>> you hear a couple shield sounds, or delete all the mines from the text
>>> document otherwise you'll hear a bunch of movements, it only happens
>>> the first turn
>>> awesomeness on the bug fix though, ra lol what a great day its made
>>> On 12/23/12, Carlos Macintosh <sleepio1@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>> well, the bug where units didn't move was fixed. I think you can no
>>>> longer
>>>> use open door on enemy units to stop them from doing anything. I have
>>>> just
>>>> tested it and the AI is a lot smarter. Eddy uses attack hen his bullets
>>>> run
>>>> out. Good job on the fixes Ian!

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