[lit-ideas] Re: Some of you may remember ... ueber-gaffe

  • From: "Julie Krueger" <juliereneb@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 12 Oct 2008 13:18:30 -0500

I also was a toddler when JFK was shot.  I remember my Dad coming home in
the middle of the day when he wasn't expected and holding Mom who was
crying.  I remember the tv news shots and though I had no clue what a
President was I remember feeling so awful that this man was killed while
sitting right by his wife. Somewhere my mind projected a parallel of my Dad
being killed next to my Mom.   I was afraid, of course, because when you're
little and the grown-ups are distraught, it's scary.  When Bobby Kennedy
follwed, and then , it became a sort of nightmarish deja vu, and they melded
a bit into one horrible narrative of the country.  I don't, however, recall
the assassinations of B. Kennedy or MLK w/ the same sort of brute clarity
with which I still recall that of JFK.

On Sun, Oct 12, 2008 at 12:57 PM, Eric Yost <mr.eric.yost@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Julie, re her daughters: Could they tell me today which class they were in
> at school or what teacher
> told them what had happened?
> I wasn't even in kindergarten when JFK was shot. I remember my mother
> crying and how sunny it was outside, and wondering why she was crying on
> such a sunny day. The branches of the leafless trees made sharp shadows
> against the bookshelf. I remember the ironing board left out all day, and
> sometime in the day being told the President had been shot.
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Julie Krueger

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