[lit-ideas] Re: A Movie [longish]

  • From: Ursula Stange <Ursula@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 11 Aug 2006 11:41:28 -0400

I thought the Taliban were (was) evil (whatever that really means) but I didn't think the US had any right to do anything about it. A lot of the population in A. supported the Taliban and their enforced religious fundamentalism. But very few of them, I suspect, welcomed the 'liberators'?

Most of the world thinks Bush is evil. Does that give some other country a right to 'liberate' us? Many Americans think Bush is evil. But even they wouldn't welcome any outside 'liberators'?

I didn't see the movie you're discussing here, but couldn't it just have been put together precisely to scare people? Imagine what a fine film the other side could put together cutting and pasting scenes of Bush and Cheney and Ashcroft and Rumsfeld and Gingrich and Robertson and even crazier Christian fundies spewing their hatred of everything unAmerican to huge audiences over many years. To their uneducated population, they could sell this as representative of America. And if they were militarily powerful enough to invade the U.S., they could use it to rally their population behind their war.

Paul Stone wrote:

And... there wasn't really much fallout over that [bombing the hell out of Afghanistan]. Maybe they deserved it. You see, what i want [need] is [almost] worldwide condemnation of the radical islamists like we got with the Taliban. The Taliban were evil mofos. A lot of people agreed on that. Apparently, for some strange reason, a lot of people DON'T agree that the islamists are. I don't understand that.


Paul Stone
Kingsville, ON, Canada

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