[gmpi] Re: Out-of-Band: suggestion for rethink

  • From: RonKuper@xxxxxxxxxxxx
  • To: gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2003 09:27:14 -0400

I'd like to reiterate my support of doing this survey document and sign up
to do the section on DirectX (DirectShow).

I'd also like to suggest another idea to jump-start this group.  Since
February we've been working through an agenda of talking points, with the
idea being (at least in my mind) that each point would represent a section
or paragraph in the final requirements document.  So in a sense today we
already have the "table of contents", but none of the guts have been agreed
on yet.

Rather than moving through the points one by one way, and writing the doc at
the end, I've got another idea.  Somebody (or bodies) go off and write the
requirements document.  *** Don't design the system, just state the
requirements. ***  Present the document to the group, and then lets debate
the proposal section by section.

I'm hoping that whoever writes the document would think, "well, I want X ...
but I know so-and-so would want Y and you-know-who would want Z.  So I'll
put <this> in the document, which anticipates the arguments."  If the
document is written with that sort of fore-thought, then perhaps we can move
quickly through it once completed.

This could be done in parallel with the plugin API surve.

Anybody in favor of this idea?  Any volunteers?

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