[softwarelist] Re: .pdf creation for OvationPro

  • From: John Cartmell <john@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: davidpilling@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 08 Nov 2007 14:25:04 +0000 (GMT)

On 08 Nov, David Pilling <flist@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> As to PDF export etc. I don't know. I might I suppose. I am not 
> enthusiastic. I've seen so many years work on RISC OS go to waste.

*All* computer development goe to waste. *All* spending on computers is wasted
money. All you need do is wate for something better to come along - and it
will soon, and make all that work and spending an utter waste of time ...

.. except that, unless someone does development today, and unless someone
spends money on that development today, your (our) system won't have a

As I see it there are some people happy to spend money on Ovation Pro today -
and I'll be pleased to help promote that idea.

        John Cartmell   john@xxxxxxxxxxxxx      0845 006 8822 or 0161 969 9820
        Qercus magazine FAX +44 (0)8700-519-527         www.qercus.com
        Qercus - the best guide to RISC OS computing

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