[JA] Re: Firefox/Thunderbird/AOL

  • From: Larry Cook <lcook@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: juno_accmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2005 14:16:33 -0500

I'll throw in my two cents:

> why don't you use  Juno very much any more?

I stopped using the Juno mail client when my spam load got to be too large and 
I learned that I could retrieve my Juno email via POP3.  I still have Juno 
accounts that I use daily.  I just subscribe to this list from work since I 
spend more time online at work than I do at home.

> What do you use that is better and why is it better?

I switched to Mozilla because of it's built in Bayesian spam filtering 
(http://www.paulgraham.com/spam.html).  Some of the other side benefits are:

* Blind carbon-copy rather than putting address in parenthesises
* No 50 address limit on an outgoing email
* Better folder filtering
* Better folder searching
* Uses the MBOX standard for storing mail messages
* Is Open Source, so I can fix bugs when there is a problem
* Runs on Linux

> I can get and send email without logging on to the internet.

Yes, that is a very nice feature, which I loved and used for years.  I now 
have DSL, so I'm always online.


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