[JA] Re: Firefox/Thunderbird/AOL

  • From: "mstanek3@xxxxxxxx" <mstanek3@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: juno_accmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2005 17:49:24 GMT

i thought she and others answered that, but to take this on a tangent, i got 
AOL so i could more easily do mass mailings to a local group of around 500 
addresses. (sent bcc)  Juno forced me to break the list up into batches of 50 
addresses each.  AOL is set to block attempts to do that, but it is allowed 
after one has gotten permission from them.

may one mail to a large emailing list from JunoMail online?  i never tried 
that.  (i'm reading and writing online until i get my computer based Juno going 

this is not a gmail group, but i'd also like to know if there's the ability to 
do this via gmail.


-- donelias@xxxxxxxx wrote:

I'm still in the dark.  Why isn't she using Juno for an
mail program since that is what I thought this list is
about?  Why would anyone want to get mixed up with
AOL?  I'm not trying to be smart or disrespectful to
Carolyn but why would anyone rather pay $23 bucks
a month than $9 per year?

I see that both Jim Henderson and George Lunt use
Juno addreses.


On Tue, 15 Feb 2005 21:08:09 -0500 Jim Henderson <jim.henderson@xxxxxxxx>
> On Tue, 15 Feb 2005 15:09:59 -0800 "George Lunt" <glunt@xxxxxxxx>
> >JH> if someone is already using AOL's proprietary
> > > mailer version 8, why put Thunderbird, Eudora,
> > > or other non-AOL software into the mix?
> If it were a matter of money, and if she wanted to do her E-mail
> it would not be such a big problem.  After getting stuck with AOL she
> could downgrade to a cheaper, limited time AOL account and use the AOL
> mailer offline.
> Too bad Carolyn didn't ask you or me or someone else about this plan of
> using AOL.  However, with industrious people like you, George, on the
> job, there's a good chance this difficult piece of rescue work can be

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