[JA] Re: Firefox/Thunderbird/AOL

  • From: thepccat@xxxxxxxx
  • To: juno_accmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2005 08:16:19 -0800

I'm sure somebody said to Carolyn, or she has heard words to the effect,
"friends don't let friends use AOL" Others say AOL is great for some
persons. People do what they do.

In the past, users had to follow very specific means to uninstall various
AOL revisions in order to reclaim proper use of their computer. I have
not kept up with this, tiresome to read and useless to me as well. She
could Google around to find the best information for the particular AOL
revision she "intected" herself with. If one had a means to brinng the
data off the disc [CD-R or USB flash memory for instance] and the install
disc for the operating system [and the latest free install patch disc
from Microsoft] one could just start out fresh. Or get set up with the
new ISP first, and, then, if the systrem does not satisfy, save the data
and clean the slate.

Imaging software has come of age and availability, though not free as far
as I can see. With XP and the activation hassle, the ability to capture a
complete computer setup in working order to CD-R, and be able to wipe out
the present mess and return to that configuration in less than 30
minutes, the use of imaging is a much neater and quicker alternative to
erasing, reformatting, and reinstalling, and all savvy users are urged to
acquire the software and master the technique. If Carolyn had an image
before she went to AOL, she could just go back to the previous


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