[lit-ideas] Re: Sunday Wotsit

  • From: "Eric Yost" <mr.eric.yost@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 10 Jun 2012 18:26:10 -0400

DR: Industrial society relies on larger neural networks than the
preceding agricultural one.  

A US football fan forgot his camera at the Atlanta airport, jumped
through security to retrieve it, and set off a security alert. Because
he couldn't be identified, the entire airport went into lockdown. This
caused a cascading failure of missed flights throughout the eastern US
and an expensive but needed change in security protocol.

A distracted farmer who forgot his flintlock, and went back to get it,
was (ahem) unlikely to cause interstate financial loss, angst, and
revised security planning.  

DR: And the passions that go with, the ones to emerge half way through
the nineteenth century were gardening and team sports.

Now it's video-gaming, shopping, or driving somewhere to get something.
I garden but hate team sports and am, as all know, a weirdo and kook.
Our postmodern passions, in my opinion, closely mirror those of the 17th
century colonists: narratives combining declension and renewal, the
jeremiad and the utopia, in different brews according to individual


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