[lit-ideas] Re: Sunday Poem

  • From: "Cassidy Dann" <cassidy_dann@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 05 Feb 2006 10:21:28 -0500

Irene Cassidy is Andy Amago . It was a joke, an inside one.

I'll let it pass then as such.

How long have you been a list member? Some people lurk for years before surfacing, some never surface, some surface often, under various guises, some are so narcissistic that they assume their surfacing IS the list. I don't remember seeing any of your posts prior to a month or two ago. If new, Welcome. I'm the officially non-official Welcoming Agent.

I *am* new. Thank you for the welcome. I have to admit, though, that am somewhat overwhelmed by the volume of things here. Paralyzed for the moment between the two equally unpalatable choices of reading everything and deleting everything, I may soon run screaming for the silence of the hills.

Were you named after Hopalong?

Not according to my mother, who, under intense interrogation over a period of years, never brought forth any more intriguing answer than: But it's a nice name, dear. My father just said: Ask your mother.

Are you affiliated with any subversive organizations? -- like universities or the Democratic Party or Massachusetts? Do you believe in rock n roll? How about Hip Hop, Hopalong? (sorry)

I believe I am a subversive organization in myself, but then who doesn't. To the uninformed eye I am a thin 50-year-old with a querulous voice. In earlier days I had a spouse and a child, but no more. Just now I'm sabbatical, supposedly writing a book, although that is a subject we shall avoid. I used to teach middle schoolers English Lit before ill-health drove me to other pastures.

Where were you when Kennedy was killed? In your mother's dread? In Dallas?

I was a 2nd grader living overseas in the Congo at the time with missionary parents.

Is Rappahannock a name you gleaned from the Legend of Sleepy Hollow?

Rappahannock County (motto: A Scenic Masterpiece Made Perfect By Nature) may be found at: http://www.rappahannockcountyva.gov/page2/page2.html. I believe we were found to have a population of about 7,000 in the last census.

nosy bastard

I would never have put it so rudely.

Thanks again for the welcome.

Sincerely, CD

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