[lit-ideas] Re: Barnett's Blueprint for Action

  • From: Eric Yost <eyost1132@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2006 00:06:28 -0400

>>Well, I really wanted Eric’s take on what Barnett had to say about Iran, perhaps China as well.

I saw Barnett's entire presentation on CSpan, but haven't yet downloaded the interview because (a) I use dial-up and it will take a long time to download and (b) I'll also have to download the Real player. Yet I plan to do so.

Here's my general take. The idea of partnering with China and Iran is intriguing. His notion of pushing the Islamist conflict farther south into Africa and neutralizing it there is also interesting. It would take supreme diplomacy on our part to create this partnership, especially since so many groups would oppose us in our grand strategy--the Russians for starters and possibly the EU later on.

It's also heartening to see the Global War on Terror does have a demographic ceiling or deadline -- that the Middle Eastern countries currently have a "youth spike" which means that in twenty years, their Johnny Jihad swill have calmed down a bit as they enter middle age.

Yet in all of his optimistic presentation, I saw no mention of the depletion of world oil reserves. (I welcome future oil shortages as a way of stopping globalism and returning us to nations and smaller-scale societies. Barnett on the other hand is an enthusiast globalist.) So unless I missed his mention of the depletion of oil reserves, I think Barnett is overlooking a state of affairs that could undo all the plans for moving nations into the functioning core.

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