[gmpi] Re: R: Re: Topic 4: Host Interface

  • From: "Angus F. Hewlett" <amulet@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2003 14:13:30 -0500 (EST)

On Thu, 27 Mar 2003, Paul Davis wrote:

> controlling transport state is really entirely separate from the
> host/plugin relationship(s). there seems to me to be no reason for any
> participant in those relationships to have any priviledged access to
> transport state - that should be defined by the user.

Yes, we also have to distinguish between transport state and graph state.
Graph state must be controlled by the host (that's the definition of a
host, more-or-less), but transport state information should be pluggable
(that's not to say hosts must necessarily obey it).

> FWIW, over on the jackit-devel list right now, we've been thrashing
> out what the shared transport state object should look like. any
> participant in a JACK setup can be designated as the transport/time
> master, and others are free to follow its "instructions", ignore them,
> or just not care. working out what should be in this struct is
> non-trivial, particularly for handling sync with other non-audio media
> and non-linear motion (locates, loops, etc.)

I'd like to see transport information as simply another graph-level event
stream (or encapsulated within our other event streams, however it turns
out); that allows for the possibility of multiple musical-time contexts
within a single signal graph , and also for filters that are able to
transform time data.


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