[gmpi] Re: R: Re: Topic 4: Host Interface

  • From: "Laurent de Soras [Ohm Force]" <laurent@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2003 16:51:20 +0100

David Viens wrote: >
The other possibility was to have all masters called before every other plugin
so that masters could generate their TimeInfo at the _start_ of (t).
But then the question arose: what about if a master requires audio/midi/(whatnot) input in order to generate its TimeInfo!
Should the host add a delay of one timeslice for that master's input data?

The propagation of time information has the same rules and constraints as other data like events or audio buffers. One have to take the graph structure into account to choose the right plug-in processing order. When loops are detected, whatever the kind of data on the wires, buffering is required somewhere.

So here the problem would be: what sense to give to time
information buffering ? Maybe the host should not allow it,
or buffer audio/event data whenever possible, or even alter
time info. I think it's mainly a host design issue.

IMHO it's not an issue for GMPI, but probably more a limit
for a potential VST-GMPI adapter.

-- Laurent

Laurent de Soras                  |               Ohm Force
DSP developer & Software designer |  Digital Audio Software
mailto:laurent@xxxxxxxxxxxx       | http://www.ohmforce.com

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