[gmpi] Re: R: Re: Topic 4: Host Interface

  • From: Paul Davis <paul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2003 12:08:49 -0500

i just want to say that its a real pleasure having this discussion
with a group of people who are so capable of thinking clearly about
these issues. it doesn't mean that the answers are always obvious, but
the clarity of presentation and conceptualization present
(particularly in bill's message below) can help trigger new ideas, new
ways of thinking about things, etc. lets keep it at this level. 

>>Simple, obvious, example: in Cubase VST, the "graph" (really just the
>>audio engine and a MIDI front-end) is running even when the transport is
>Good example, thanks. I'm on board with the idea that transport control can 
>be given to a plug either via an interface or via some event protocol.
>I'm understanding correctly, a plug would communicate to the rest of the 
>world in three ways: a number of synchronous pins for sample data, a number 
>of asynchronous pins for events, and a direct connection to a single host 
>for access to interfaces. All of this is done in a single process address 
>space. The host would be responsible for maintaining the graph state and 
>providing interfaces. So a plug attaches to the graph by getting some 
>interfaces from the host, and the interfaces are used somehow to attach the 
>pins to the graph, all mediated by the host.
>I have a question about what functionality should be provided via event 
>streams versus interfaces. For example, automation data could be events 
>sent on pins (and thus plugs could be sources of automation data), or it 
>could be done via an interface. One important issue is buffering, events 
>can sit in buffers whereas interfaces are immediate. Another is the duplex 
>issue, if you want an immediate response an interface seems to be the way 
>to go. So for automation, I can imagine having both a parameter interface 
>that describes parameters, converts from values to text, etc., and having 
>the automation data sent to the plug via an asynchronous pin.

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