[gmpi] Re: R: Re: Topic 4: Host Interface

  • From: "Angus F. Hewlett" <amulet@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 1 Apr 2003 11:51:34 -0500 (EST)

On Tue, 1 Apr 2003, Koen Tanghe wrote:

> For example: control value change request --> plugin changes the associated
> parameter, but also other depending parameters --> external controller needs
> to be notified of all state changes that are reflected in the controller
> So, how would you deal with this if you cannot get a response of what was
> actually changed after sending the control event?

Well, with the "streams write, interfaces read" model, the host can poll
the plug-in's parameter read interface some time after the event was
delivered and thereby see what was updated. But that's rather

The other option is for the plug to provide an output event port where it
writes parameter changes back to the host as events.. that way a single
input event can write a cascade of events back to the host that may be
seperated in time as well as across the parameter space.

If we follow the graph model for this (forwarding parameter notifications
can be regarded as a "write", after all), the semantics are clear. Also
allows us to make a distinction between the parameter-setter and
automation-recorder objects.


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