[gmpi] Re: Decision Time: 7.1.2

  • From: Tim Hockin <thockin@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 10 Jun 2003 21:42:30 -0700 (PDT)

>       No, if the host calls Process64(), then the plugin get 64 bit audio. If 
> the plugin has not implemented Process64(), the the GMPI built-in 
> converter copies into 32 bit buffers, passes it to Process32, which 
> returns 32 bit audio, which is copied back into 64 bit buffers for the 
> host. All transparent to both host and plugin.
>       So the only time you lose precision is if you are a 64 bit host calling 
> a plugin which only supports Process32().

Interesting, but I am not sure I like it.  It disallows a 64-bit native host
from connecting 32-bit plugs together without converting to/from 32 bit for
each plug.

I'd rather see the format conversion be explicit at the host, so you can put
it exactly where needed.

But these are implementation details.

My personal opinion on the datatype issue: a plugin must declare what
datatype it uses for (all) I/O.  The host must convert to/from that type or
reject the plugin.

The conversion can be done by the host at the edges of 32-bit sub-graphs, or
at each plugin with very simple 64<->32 wrappers, or we may do more serious
wrappers with entire sub-graphs wrapped.  The wrappers could be SDK code.


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