[HG-PBEM] Re: Not at the party...

  • From: John Guilfoyle <john_guilfoyle@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: apaworks@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 25 Sep 2003 19:51:57 -0700 (PDT)

> > "Signing off," Eve called. Next, the audio and data feed
> > disconnected.

Juliette rubbed her tired eyes as the screen went black, but then a
slight movement on another viewer caught her attention.

> Tina pressed her way into the caverous hangar, quickly adjusting to
> the darkness inside.  Jonas seemed a little strange, but then, most
> of the team had methods for dealing with GREL that boardered on the
> unusual.

> Carlie, Tina's roommate, seemed so eager to be her friend, so quick
> to point out that she was very pro-GREL, that Tina thought for a
> moment that she might be looking for unofficial "GREL status," as
> if Tina could let her into some exclusive club.

> Jonas' reaction was equally strange, as if he had been fascinated
> by her, almost like a child.  For now, she would chalk it up to
> Jonas being yet another GREL fetishist; she knew the type.
> Then, there was the almost violent confrontation she had with
> Shamus, a reaction she had experienced many times before.  There
> were many old wounds on Terra Nova, wounds that were still fresh,
> even after so many years.

> Given the chill Tina had perceived in her brief conversation with
> Juliette, Tina had guessed that still another team pilot had
> similar prejudices.  But, Tina had also noticed Juliette seemed
> distant to most everyone, so maybe it had nothing to do with her
> status as a manufactured human.

> Scanning the hangar, Tina started a mental catalog of the work she
> wanted to do.  She would leave the Tiger alone.  It was her job to
> tweak and test Gear systems and there was little point to working
> on a Gear that was in the process of being repaired.  No, she would
> probably start with either Shamus or Juliette's Gear, knowing that
> they also saw a little action during their practice laps.

From inside her Sidewinder Heavy Gear, Lemanz watched the GREL
quietly using the low-light amplifier on her omnicamera. What was
Tina doing back in the hangar? A few suspicious thoughts ran through
the raven-haired woman's mind before she shrugged and pressed the
hatch release on an overhead control panel. Tina's presence in the
hangar was really no stranger than her own. Likely the big, bald
woman didn't want to attend Sebastian Chance's party any more than
Juliette did. After the hydraulics whined and heavy steel moved,
Lemanz climbed up and out of her machine, then deftly descended to
the ground on an attached scaffold as the cockpit closed again.

Her boots scuffing the ground lightly as she walked, Juliette pulled
on a light desert jacket as she approached the GREL. "Everyone else
back at Chance's apartment?" she asked.

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