[lit-ideas] Re: The Surgical Strike Option

  • From: Ursula Stange <Ursula@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 12 Feb 2006 21:49:57 -0500

No, Eric, I don't want to do that. You brought up Clinton, not me. I was only pointing out the divide between your alarmist rhetoric and the 'r-e-s-p-e-c-t' Bush gets from Congress and the press. (But, yes, I'd like to see Bush brought up on charges.)

As to FDR violating American law, I'd say that was an impeachable offense. While I respect, mostly even applaud, conscientious objectors, I'm not sure FDR qualifies. First of all, he didn't object, he hid his activities from the American people. Second of all, the president specifically swears an oath to uphold the Constitution (as opposed to most of us who just sort of grow into our responsibilities as citizens). In addition, the fact that something ends well, doesn't make it the right thing to have done. (Did I hear Kant's name mentioned just now?) Ursula

Eric Yost wrote:

Ursula: I asked where do you see this happening now. The 'this' referred to your 'brought up on charges, endless hearings about legality, etc." I meant "now" as in "with this president". Your answer doesn't cut it.

Eric; My answer doesn't cut it because you want to get into a discussion about all the dark gray areas of Bush's moves, while at the same time ignoring the gray areas of Clinton's and FDR's?

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