-=PCTechTalk=- Re: when sending emails.

  • From: The Keyboard Cowboy <KBCowboy@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: cristy <pctechtalk@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 4 Mar 2005 20:37:28 -0500

Christy...freelists adds those for some reason.  I thought we had this 
problem fixed, but mine started again.........then I noticed a couple 
of Mike's had =3D marks.

<sigh>  Never a dull moment!

  Regards from

Bob -- the "Keyboard Cowboy",
   Cincinnati, Ohio
Scottsdale, Arizona
Friday, 3/4/2005, @ 8:36:15 PM EST
On golf.........

You hit down to make the ball go up.  You swing left and the ball goes 
right.  The lowest score wins.  And to top it off, the winner buys the 

~~ Anonymous


On Thu, 3 Mar 2005 17:53:53 -0500, cristy wrote:
  |   Keyboard, what are all these weird symbols when you post below
  |   =3DAO etc..
  |   christy
  |   ----- Original Message -----
  |   From: "The Keyboard Cowboy" <KBCowboy@xxxxxxxxx>
  |   To: "Don" <pctechtalk@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  |   Sent: Thursday, March 03, 2005 1:50 PM
  |   Subject: -=3DPCTechTalk=3D- Re: when sending emails.
  |    |   Don,
  |    |
  |    |   I agree with your premise.....but damn you're mean!
  |    |   <laugh>  I just delete=3D
  |    |   those multiple forward messages.....many times they no
  |    |   longer work anyway=3D as the picture or whatever is damaged,
  |    |   specially when they come from a=3D AOHell account, etc.
  |    |
  |    |   =3DA0 Regards from
  |    |
  |    |   Bob -- the "Keyboard Cowboy",
  |    |   =3DA0 =3DA0 =3DA0 =3DA0 =3DA0 ,,,,,,,,
  |    |   =3DA0 =3DA0 =3DA0 =3DA0 =3DA0=3DD4=3DBF=3DD4=3DAC
  |    |   =3DA0 =3DA0Cincinnati, Ohio
  |    |   Scottsdale, Arizona
  |    |   ---------------------------------
  |    |   Thursday, 3/3/2005, @ 1:49:16 PM EST
  |    |   ---------------------------------
  |    |   Aptitude determines Altitude!
  |    |
  |    |
  |    |   
  |    |   3D=3D3D=3D3D=3D3D=3D3D=3D3D=3D3D=3D3D=3D3D=3D3D=3D3D=3D3D=3D3D=3D3D
  |    |
  |    |   On Thu, 3 Mar 2005 11:10:34 -0500, Don wrote:
  |    |   =3DA0 | =3DA0 My pet peeve is people that forward you an email
  |    |   that was =3DA0 | =3DA0 forwarded by somebody else that got it
  |    |   forwarded =3DA0to them by =3DA0 | =3DA0 somebody else who also
  |    |   recevied it as a forward from somebody =3DA0 | =3DA0 that got
  |    |   it forwarded to them by somebody else that got it =3DA0 | =3DA0
  |    |   forwarded to them... and so on ad infinitum. =3DA0 On several
  |    |   =3DA0 | =3DA0 occassions I have had to open as many as 30 or 40
  |    |   messages to get =3DA0 | =3DA0 to what my "friend" wanted me to
  |    |   see. =3DA0 |
  |    |   =3DA0 | =3DA0 I have preached on that topic so many times
  |    |   (along with the use =3DA0 | =3DA0 of BCC) that very few people
  |    |   send me forwards anymore. =3DA0 |
  |    |   =3DA0 | =3DA0 Nowadays when I get a forwarded message that was
  |    |   not cleaned up =3DA0 | =3DA0 or was nested in another message I
  |    |   do a REPLY ALL to every =3DA0 | =3DA0 address in every nested
  |    |   message telling them that I have sold =3DA0 | =3DA0 their email
  |    |   address to a dozen different spammers. =3DA0When they =3DA0 |
  |    |   =3DA0 reply asking how I got their address I explain how I
  |    |   got it and =3DA0 | =3DA0 how they can prevent others from
  |    |   getting it. =3DA0I then suggest they
  |    |   =3DA0 | =3DA0 tell their friends to protect their email address
  |    |   by using the =3DA0 | =3DA0 BCC function. =3DA0I also tell them I
  |    |   didn't really sell their =3DA0 | =3DA0 address. =3DA0 | =3DA0 | =3DA0
  |    |   Don =3DA0 | =3DA0 |
  |    |   =3DA0 | =3DA0 Do YOU want a gmail account invitation?
  |    |   =3DA0Include your email =3DA0 | =3DA0 address in the body of a
  |    |   private message to dsw32952@xxxxxxxxx =3DA0 | =3DA0 | =3DA0 | =3DA0
  |    |   ----- Original Message -----
  |    |   =3DA0 | =3DA0 From: "Bluebelle" <bluebelle1st@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  |    |   =3DA0 | =3DA0 To: <pctechtalk@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  |    |   =3DA0 | =3DA0 Sent: Thursday, March 03, 2005 10:10 AM =3DA0 | =3DA0
  |    |   Subject: -=3D3DPCTechTalk=3D3D- Re: when sending emails. =3DA0 |
  |    |   =3DA0 |
  |    |   =3DA0 | =3DA0 =3DA0| =3DA0 Your point is good but I send jokes to
  |    |   people who forward
  |    |   =3DA0 | =3DA0 =3DA0| =3DA0 my email address because they do not
  |    |   know how to cut and
  |    |   =3DA0 | =3DA0 =3DA0| =3DA0 paste or forward without cutting
  |    |   addresses, AOL People seem
  |    |   =3DA0 | =3DA0 =3DA0| =3DA0 to have a particular problem with this
  |    |   for some reason. So
  |    |   =3DA0 | =3DA0 =3DA0| =3DA0 I have been writing from a throwaway
  |    |   address lately =3DA0 | =3DA0 =3DA0| =3DA0 (hotmail rather than my
  |    |   main address, maybe I will go to
  |    |   =3DA0 | =3DA0 =3DA0| =3DA0 gmail for this since hotmail is rather
  |    |   slow and balky =3DA0 | =3DA0 =3DA0| =3DA0 sometimes).
  |    |   =3DA0 | =3DA0 =3DA0| =3DA0 Someone I did NOT know actually answered
  |    |   one of the jokes I
  |    |   =3DA0 | =3DA0 =3DA0| =3DA0 had sent to someone on my list. By
  |    |   accident --but that =3DA0 | =3DA0 =3DA0| =3DA0 means my address is
  |    |   being sent out to potentially thousands
  |    |   =3DA0 | =3DA0 =3DA0| =3DA0 of people. =3DA0I have requested several
  |    |   times that =3DA0 | =3DA0 =3DA0| =3DA0 they not forward my messages
  |    |   but cut and paste but I =3DA0 | =3DA0 =3DA0| =3DA0 continue to get
  |    |   hundreds of email addresses forwarded to me
  |    |   =3DA0 | =3DA0 =3DA0| =3DA0 so I know they are not cutting them out.
  |    |   =3DA0 | =3DA0 =3DA0|
  |    |   =3DA0 | =3DA0 =3DA0| =3DA0 Since there are a few people who reply
  |    |   it is not practical
  |    |   =3DA0 | =3DA0 =3DA0| =3DA0 to send an address that is completely
  |    |   anonymous. =3DA0 | =3DA0 =3DA0| =3DA0 | =3DA0 =3DA0| =3DA0 Bluebelle 
  |    |   | =3DA0 =3DA0| =3DA0 | =3DA0 --
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  |    |   =3DA0 |
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