[opendtv] Re: Ericsson: TV and Media 2015

  • From: "Manfredi, Albert E" <albert.e.manfredi@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "opendtv@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <opendtv@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 9 Sep 2015 00:13:46 +0000

Craig Birkmaier wrote:

In your first post describing the many viable aspects of the live
linear TV experience you identified some of the content that is
designed specifically for "discovery." Breakfast TV and the late
night talk shows are filled with promotions of TV shows, movies,
books, and the personalities within or behind them.

And Craig doesn't know that all of this can easily be made available on demand?

Bert likes to believe that there is real competition between
the broadcast network / content congloms; that they do not
collude as an oligopoly.

And Craig still hasn't gotten that it's the local monopoly pipe that allows any
such collusion to exist?

Let me state the obvious, for Craig's sake. When Moonves set up CBS All Access,
he did not need to collude with Iger, the ISP nets, or anyone else. He just set
it up. Instead, when Moonves puts his material on MVPD channels, he does
collude with everyone else. Why? Because he can.


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