[lit-ideas] Re: The flu

  • From: Judy Evans <judithevans001@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "Lit-Ideas" <lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 20 Nov 2004 20:52:31 +0000

Saturday, November 20, 2004, 5:31:55 PM, Andreas Ramos wrote:

AR> Crippled health-care systems

so, business as usual for the US (I see Texascare is in trouble: that means 
people will have to use Medicaid -- if they can get it -- and Medicaid does 
not, I learn, pay for a patient in one state to be treated in another even if 
the treatment isn't available in their own state.  *Dreadful*.)  

AR> Let's see: for the USA (280m people), between 25% to 33%
AR> would be come ill (70m to 92m) and 
AR> 1% will die (700,000 to 920,000).

calculated, as the article did for Canada, from these figures:

 Between a quarter and a third of the world's population will fall ill, 
according to new World Health Organization (news - web sites) estimates, and 
one per cent of the sick will die

I think these are optimistic figures (the death rate especially so) worldwide; 
but I also think there would be massive national (and possibly regional) 
variations (also variation by occupation and class, of course); and I'd expect 
the US to be rather less badly hit than many places.

AR> Iran is surely behind this. Let's roll.

It's behind everything and (a fairly top US hawk was on TV here yesterday) 
you're getting ready to roll: regime change in Iran is required.

(he thought Tony Blair could be made to see the light)

 Judy Evans, Cardiff, UK   

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