[lit-ideas] Re: The flu

  • From: Judy Evans <judithevans001@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 20 Nov 2004 22:49:58 +0000

Of course there are more important things, like the safeguarding of Decency:


A New York TV station has dropped a promotion for a film about scientist Alfred 
Kinsey, who lifted the lid on sexual behaviour 50 years ago.

Kinsey, played in the film by Liam Neeson, is blamed by conservatives for 
starting the sexual revolution. 


Saturday, November 20, 2004, 10:02:14 PM, Mike Geary wrote:

MG> Sorry, I think I just sent a no-reply reply.

MG> Here's the reply Reply.  It isn't Texascare, it's TennCare -- Tennessee  I
MG> know a couple of people who are extremely distraught over the coming
MG> abandonment of TennCare.  Friends who take  psychopharmaceuticals worth a
MG> thousand dollars plus a month.  There's no way they can afford that and they
MG> earn over the Medicaid cut-off income level.  Maybe they'll flip out without
MG> their meds and uzi out the entire government.  I'd support that.

MG> Mike Geary
MG> Memphis

 Judy Evans, Cardiff, UK   

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