[lit-ideas] Sunday Twofer

  • From: David Ritchie <profdritchie@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 13 Jan 2013 11:08:54 -0800

You may know the T.V. title, "Only Fools and Horses."  I'm borrowing it to 
describe incidents from the Twofer's recent vacation.  Had you ever seen a shin 
ripped open by a Blue-Footed Booby's beak, we could begin with that, but 
instead I fall back--ha!--on swordly movies.  You know the scene moments after 
a fight when the hero's attendant whispers, "I'm afraid it's deep."  That was 
me on Christmas Day, wounding my shin.  I was lying flat, looking at the sky, 
thanking goodness my head was unscathed, thinking I was in a movie, "Bring on 
the rum; one slug for the wound, one for the shock."  Hawaiian rock is sharp.  
And horses?  While I lay for days recovering, I was comforted by gorgeous views 
and soft sea breezes.  No need for sympathy.  And in the next field over were 
two of Oprah Winfrey's horses, miniature ones, said to have cost eighty 
thousand dollars.  They were muzzled by devices.  They were on a weight-loss 

If instead of "Dad's Army" there'd also been a show called, "Dad's Handy," I'd 
have a groaner of a second opening.  My father is a Burns man, an Auld Lang 
Syne type; at partings he looks you in the eye, sticks out a hand and follows 
the song's instruction.  I'm not like my sister-in-law-- who dissolves into 
tears on all such occasions--and I know that I'm luckier than my forebears at 
such moments, but farewells are not joyous occasions, so you'd do well to 
remember that "Auld Lang Syne" is actually a sad and sentimental song; "gie's a 
hand o' thine" has wobble in.  So what's a body to do when parting in the 
gloamin, or at Portland International Airport?  What Scots expect--just your 
best.  Then journey home, sing an emboldening song, drink strong tea.  (You 
expected "whisky"?  On a Sunday?)

David Ritchie,
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