[lit-ideas] Re: Sounds right to me

  • From: "Phil Enns" <phil.enns@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 12 Dec 2008 20:40:34 +0700

John McCreery wrote:

"No desire for empire here, something more along the lines of a shared
toolkit that facilitates interaction with people who may be otherwise
very different indeed."

I just can't make sense of a 'shared toolkit'.  What might John
suggest is in this toolkit that different people share?  Again,
following Quine, my experience is that there is more of an ad hoc
translation manual.  Instead of having common tools for accomplishing
similar tasks, it seems to me that we recognize in others similar
habits and activities that allow us to communicate for the purposes of
shared goals.  There aren't tools 'out there' at our disposal, but
rather only the ability to coordinate actions in the world.


Phil Enns
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
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