[lit-ideas] Re: Sounds right to me

  • From: "Phil Enns" <phil.enns@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 13 Dec 2008 07:38:51 +0700

Omar Kusturica wrote:

"I don't think that baseball has much global reach, at least not as a
playing sport. (It might be watched out of curiosity.) McDonalds'
globall success has to do with a skilful advertising approach where
McDonals is presented as being representative of the Western culture,
life-style etc. while also showing a certain ability to adapt to the
local contexts.
English - well, it comes handy for people to communicate if they don't
have an infinite time and energy for learning languages. Falling short
of each of us learning every language in the world, it would help if
everyone could use one."

Since something like what Omar does above could be done with logic,
mathematics and the scientific method, would people be content with
such an analysis?  It seems to me that some people would like to give
logic, mathematics and science a special quality so that it is not
enough to say that they do a very good job of accomplishing what we
want, but that they somehow touch on something more.  I like John
McCreery's analogy of the toolbox, except that I would not want to
claim that this toolbox is anything more than tools we have
accumulated over time and that we share with anyone who wants to
perform similar activities.


Phil Enns
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
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