[haiku-development] Re: Haiku, Qt and apps, oh my!

  • From: "Christoph .J Thompson" <cjsthompson@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: haiku-development@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 29 Mar 2009 12:21:10 +0200

On Sun, 29 Mar 2009 00:03:27 +0100
Karsten Heimrich <host.haiku@xxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi,
> Matt Madia schrieb:
> > We just need to take steps to encourage new developers to use the Be
> > API when writing completely new software.
> Why?
> Since not all devs can live from just love and fresh air, some of them 
> have to produce commercial apps to get money to buy food etc. (even if 
> it's just pizza :) ). So that said, why should one be so dumb and 
> choose a platform specific API to develop a new app tied for that OS?

Because their app will be a native app which is simpler, runs better/faster
without the all the portability bloat. Portability is mostly only
interesting for corporations to minimize costs.

> With Qt beeing good at what it is, seamless platform integration and a 
> great API to develop, I would choose it whenever I can. One just needs 
> to implement the platform specific parts to support more advanced 
> features the OS provides. IMHO Haiku can only win from a properly done 
> Qt port.

If the Be API is not satisfactory as is then it can be improved too. I
really don't see what anyone gains from a program being able to run on
several platforms. What's important is what you can do with a program,
and how efficient it is when doing what you need it to do.

Christoph .J Thompson <cjsthompson@xxxxxxxxx>

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