[gmpi] Re: Topic 8: Parameters

  • From: Tim Hockin <thockin@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 9 Aug 2003 10:42:24 -0700 (PDT)

> > How about this:
> > 
> > Version doesn't matter.  Every parameter/control has a 'name' (path, ID,
> > whatever).  State is stored keyed on that 'name'.  If a control with
> > that 'name' exists in the plugin, that's where the data goes.  If you 
> > want to stay compatible, keep the 'name'.  If you want to break compat, 
> > change it.  If you want to evolve, but retain compat, make a hidden 
> > control with the old 'name' which does the right thing when you set it's
> > value from state.  The hidden control does not get manipulated from any 
> > UI.
> > 
> > This way, saved and restored state _REALLY_IS_ just the set of all a
> > plugin's parameters**.  Compatibility is free if you are really
> > compatible, costs minimally if you need to do some hackery, and can be 
> > abandoned altogether if you don't care.
> While I appreciate your boundless desire to make things as simple as
> possible :), I think that this is again getting too simple.  It's simply

And I appreciate your desire to be compatible, but it's getting *hairy*. :)

I haven't seen in your paragraph below any reason why my idea wouldn't
work.  Read on.

> not sufficient.  It's often more complicated than just "we added a new
> parameter" or "we eliminated a parameter".  Sometimes you might change the
> value range of a parameter in one version, so you may need to map that
> value.  Sometimes what was once a single parameter is now composed of two
> parameters (like if you decided to make it into a parameter defined by a
> minimum and maximum, which can then be randomized within that range). 
> Then you would want to interpret the old single value by setting both

1) range change
  - make a new control** with the new range and a new name
  - mark the old control as hidden (or deprecated, or for-compat)
  - when a host writes to the old control name, convert it and write to the
    new control internally

2) single param gets split up
  - make the new controls** with new names
  - mark the old control as hidden (or deprecated, or for-compat)
  - when the host writes to the old control name, set the new params based
    on the old value

> parameters to that value.  And so on, basically I'm just saying that you
> can't come up with some solution that will just work for any plugins;
> you've got to allow them the flexibility to look at all of their state
> data and decide what to do with it.  Anything less, while possibly
> enticing in its simplicity, is insufficient.

This allows for EXACTLY as much compatibility as a plugin cares to retain.
It makes it very obvious that retaining compatibility (or rather, making
changes that require explicit compat) costs code-space.  There is nothing
you can't do here that your enumerated version idea can't do, is there?

** s/control/stata/


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