[gmpi] Re: Topic 8: Parameters

  • From: "Angus F. Hewlett" <amulet@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 8 Aug 2003 10:04:19 -0400 (EDT)

On Fri, 8 Aug 2003, Marc Poirier wrote:

> Just one little implementation note:  I certainly hope properties changes,
> like changes to the parameter list, are not announced via host callbacks.
> What about other "listeners" who might be interested, like a GUI?  I hope
> that we use some sort of property listener/notification system like AU
> instead.

Yes, something more refined than a simple host callback would be better,
but I'm not sure if the broadcasting side is best implemented by the
plugin, the host, or some sort of intermediary (GMPIServices?).

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