[gmpi] Re: Topic 8: Parameters

  • From: Tim Hockin <thockin@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 8 Aug 2003 11:01:28 -0700 (PDT)

> So what if you (the plugin) want to save stuff that you don't want to publish 
> as a parameter? A version number comes to mind.

I see data as one of:
 * static data (e.g. plugin version) - this never changes during the
   lifetime of a plugin instance
 * state-effecting controls (e.g. filter cutoff, etc) - these can be changed
   dynamically and the state of the plugin is captured by these
 * non-state controls (e.g. tempo control) - these are connections to other
   things in the system, but don't make sense to save in a preset

Maybe it is easier to define an intermediary.

1) everything (except static data) is a control
2) when saving/restoring plugin state, you must iterate over the plugin's 
   'stata' (sing. 'statum')
3) each 'statum' is associated with a control*

* separate idea, somewhere in between:  each statum has a type and a
statum->get_val() method which spits out value.  Typically each statum will
be associated with one control.  In the case of controls which are
order-sensitive or really need to be saved/restored as a group, a statum
can return raw_data type, and internally encapsulate multiple primitive

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