[gmpi] Re: Topic 4: Host Interface

  • From: Mike Berry <mberry@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 03 Apr 2003 14:59:33 -0700

Chris Grigg wrote:

Thanks, Mike.

Here is another flavor of 4:

5. Sequencer/DAW type B - Same as 3, but live in is always enabled and audio out is only enabled during play & record.

I'm having trouble thinking of an application in which feeding a live audio input into a plug-in graph would be useful, yet in which there's no need for an audio output from the plug-in graph. I guess maybe you're thinking of something along the lines of MIDI Machine Control (or maybe audio coming in in the form of a sync signal) coming in while the transport is idle and so no ?
audio output is getting pulled?

One case I am thinking of is for input monitoring for meters while transport is stopped and no audio is output. Since GMPI plugins might include visualization plugins for metering, there could be a plugin graph involved here.
A second case (on that we have regularly in Premiere) is capture from media. Here someone is dumping the content of a (video)tape into their computer, but not listening to it live. There could be metering and other plugins involved in that capture (for instance, a compressor or AGC on the input data). But there would be no output stream.

Mike Berry
Adobe Systems

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