[gmpi] Re: Topic 4: Host Interface

  • From: Chris Grigg <gmpi-public@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2003 11:35:37 -0800

1. Are plugins run in-process or out-of-process?

I've never written a plug-in host, so this question may seem naive, but: How explicit does this really need to be? Would there be a significant downside to just making the rule that the DSP gmpi::process() function needs to be thread-safe with respect to the plug's other functions (control & GUI )? Seems like then the host can run the process() thread either in-process or out-of-process (with respect to its main thread) however it likes. Enlighten me?

2. What kinds of special needs are there in events to/from a plugin?

I would like to see the work include an investigation into the idea (previously suggested by many) that GUI (including perhaps GUIs distributed across machines, networks, or processes) could perhaps be handled in part via a message/event interface (not only a VSTGUI-style API). If this turns out to be too much of a complication then it should not be included, at least not in the 1.0 spec. But if it can be done in a simple yet powerful enough way, there may be worthwhile advantages in terms of system architecture flexibility.

3. Is the host a plugin too?

Agree that we should preserve the possibility of plugs-within-plugs until and unless a compelling reason to do something to preclude that arises. Guess this depends in part on whether there's a requirement to send parameter-setting commands to an 'inner plug' from anywhere outside of its 'outer plug', and similar GUI issues. I mean, it's hard to see how you could prevent a plug from calling the ::process() functions of a bunch of sub-plugs it's decided to manage on its own.

4.  Can the host be a chain of simpler plugins (sequencer, timeline,

This is interesting and would IMHO need to be looked at more closely before we could make a good decision about whether this is a requirement we really want. It may introduce non-obvious design requirements. In other words, it would mean that plug-ins would have to be able to act as sources for all system-control information that plug-ins can consume, at least to the degree necessary to assemble a complete basic SW music system.

5.  Does the host interface provide transport control, UI updates, track

Can I get some clarification here? Does this mean that the plug-in would be able to control these things, or query them, or that the plug-in would get (or be able to ask to get) events? Probably some mix of the above, yes? NB, this relates to #4 as well.

-- Chris

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