[gmpi] Re: Topic 3: Cross platform

  • From: Paul Davis <paul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 06 Mar 2003 10:44:33 -0500

>> if you could get all your Wintel plugins running on x86/*nix and all
>> of your Mac plugins running on ppc/*nix without a recompilation,
>> wouldn't that strike you as advantageous?
>Yes. And it's not going to happen because then you'd have to put the entire
>Windows API into GMPI.

1) i am absolutely NOT arguing that binary compatibility between
   different OS platforms on the same hardware should be a goal.

2) i *am* suggesting that it would be nice if it "falls out" of
   our other design efforts.

3) IMHO, the only reason for "putting the entire Windows API into GMPI"
   is because of the bad habits forced on plugin developers by
   existing APIs that did not have cross-platform development in
   mind (for understandable reasons).

we have been discussing how to develop an API that would, as much as
is reasonably possible, enable plugin developers to avoid making their
code platform dependent. its not that radical, and there are many
precedents for such an effort.

[ actually, if ron were to interject as moderator here, he might say
  that we are actually discussing what the cross-platforms goals 
  are; its hard to answer that question without examing what's
  possible and how it might be done. ]

>> we already have ways to run most Wintel VST plugins on x86/linux, for
>> example. its a bit kludgy, but it does work. imagine being able to do
>> this without it being kludgy. if GMPI is done right, this will work.
>I don't see how you could do this from within GMPI. I really don't. The
>reason it works in Linux is because of Wine (I presume that's what you
>mean), but I wouldn't want to put something like Wine in GMPI.

you don't put wine in GMPI. you figure out what OS services the
majority of plugins need, and then you wrap them in an SDK that is
linked by a host on a given platform. plugins use the wrappers, which
work on all platforms supported by GMPI. what should be wrapped is a
point of discussion.

plugins that require OS services not wrapped in this way become
platform dependent. somebody loses when this happens, but its not
clear who.


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