[gmpi] Re: 3.14 UIs

  • From: Chris Grigg <gmpi-public@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 28 May 2004 17:54:36 -0700

> > Why "GMPI can not provide a UI toolkit as part of it's cross platform
> capabilities."?

I thought we had all agreed that this was just TOO MUCH for GMPI 1.

I'm wary of attempting a cross-platform framework, possibly a bigger task than GMPI itself. Plus, due to the inevitable compromises, not everyone will use it.

Perhaps like VST, we make cross-platform graphics a seperate project? (like
VST GUI).  VST itself provides only minimal graphics support "here's a
window, draw in it".

Best Regards,

I was wondering whether we could treat this section in a way that preserves the possibility for cleanly introducing a crossplat GUI framework at GMPI 2.0. In other words, go ahead and put all the concepts in there now, but as guidance only, making it clear that these are not part of 1.0. Otherwise, spaghetti down the road.

-- Chris G.

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