[gmpi] Re: 3.14 UIs

  • From: "Koen Tanghe" <koen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 30 May 2004 17:05:03 +0200

On Sunday, May 30, 2004 1:53 AM [GMT+1=CET],
Jeff McClintock <xxxjeffmcc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

>> For the out of process comms OSC seems like a good candidate.
> Yeah, no need to reinvent OSC.
> In fact why not retain the OSC syntax for in-process GUIs too.  Replace
> TCP with something more direct, like simple function calls into the host.
> That way both remote and local GUIs become essentially the same thing
> (with different 'transport' mechanisms).
>   Running a GUI remotely then becomes a case of inserting a TCP wrapper
> between GUI and Host.  The plugin dosn't need to know.

This seems like a good idea to me too.
(don't know if there might be technical issues due to longer transport times
when used over TCP though?)

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