[gmpi] Re: 3.14 UIs

  • From: Tim Hockin <thockin@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 1 Jun 2004 12:54:03 -0700

On Tue, Jun 01, 2004 at 12:11:58PM -0700, Chris Grigg wrote:
> >We want an API that is targetted exactly at the sorts of things plugin
> >GUIs need to do.
> I don't understand, these seem at odds.  If you're saying none of the 
> existing toolkits are targeted exactly at plugin GUI needs, then 
> we'll need to specify one... but you also seem to be against getting 
> into the details of specifying one.  Clarify please?

I'm saying that what we need, if we are going to do anything at all is
something targetted.  Doing anything at all will be HUGE.  It should be
spun off into a new project.

> Any reason not to just adopt Qt whole?

Plenty.  It's C++, we already said GMPI is C.  Defining a toolkit at that
level is just not going to fly, I think.  Instead, and API could be built
that exposed an audio-centric set of widgets and abstractions (a la
VSTGUI) that could be built on any reasonable toolkit.

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