[riscos-printing] Re: GutenPrint and Canon printers

  • From: Dr. S.H.Curry <hutchc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: riscos-printing@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 06 Mar 2007 14:56:18 +0000 (GMT)

With the latest gpdriver 2.05 I have now managed to print two pages on my
Canon S400. Thanks Martin.



    _____ _                          ___                     Dr.S.H.Curry
   / ____| |                        / _ \                    The Manor House
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Cognitive Rehabilitation Software for RiscOS

Email             : hutchc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
StrongArm Systems : http://www.strongarm.info/
The Manor House   : http://www.manor-house.freeuk.com/

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