[lit-ideas] Re: Link to "Mohammed" cartoons

  • From: Teemu Pyyluoma <teme17@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 8 Feb 2006 22:15:23 -0800 (PST)

David, nice to see you post.

I have to say I don't think you sufficently appreciate
the context and complexities of the situation. Let's
start with racism. I once a heard a nice anecdote from
a Swede that neatly encapsulates one of the awful
concequences of racism. His friend, a black American
that had moved to Stockholm, complained that "the
people in my apartment building are fucking racists,
they don't even say hello to me." To which the Swede
replied, "Look, I've lived in the same building for
eight years and I don't greet my neighbours."

The problem is that real racism, which is certainly an
issue in Denmark (and Sweden, and pretty much every
else...) is magnified in the eye of its victim. Every
unfriendly official, failed job interview, pretty much
any hardship in life becomes tainted with the
suspision that it is because of my skin, faith or

To say, as Stan does, that Muslims were "welcomed" in
Denmark is to my knowledge not true, but I haven't
kept in touch with the few Danes I know nor have I
been there for a long while, so maybe Andreas or
someone else will correct me if I'm wrong here. It
seems to me that the Danish Muslims outraged are
outraged in general about their plight, I very much
doubt that had say Maroccan newspaper ran exactly the
same cartoons there would've been such uproar.

What you seem to advocate is that rest of the society
should under such circumstances be extremely
sensitive. This is humane, civil, appealing, unhelpful
and unrealistic. Many Europeans have deep suspicions
about immigrant in general, and do assosiate Islam
with Terrorism. We can't wish or legistalate this

Denmark, nay Europe, needs a long, thorough and
sustained debate on immigration and the role of
religion on the society. Ignorant, idiotic views need
to be protested like many Muslims and others are
doing, in general shown wrong and ridiculed. We can't
do this if such views are silenced. I most certainly
do not want to hand the caweman group the opportunity
to cry victim over censorship.

Helsinki, Finland

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