[lit-ideas] Re: Link to "Mohammed" cartoons

  • From: Eric Yost <eyost1132@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 08 Feb 2006 17:07:08 -0500

Way to completely miss the point Stan. If you knew anything about Islam you'd know you don't draw pictures of Muhammad. Period.

Here's an additional newsflash: we can't dance around yelling "nigger! nigger!" at African Americans either.

The Cartoons of Mohammed did not refer to him as a "Towel Head" or "Sand Bunny." There was no equivalent racist/ethnic slur in the presentation.

If anything, at least three of the cartoons fingered the Muslim world for serious deficiencies that should be examined worldwide.

*Bombhead Mohammed should make Muslims wonder about those who claim to be faithful while turning innocent civilians into hamburger.

*"We're out of Virgins" Mohammed, the funniest of the lot, should make the faithful ponder the distinction between greater and lesser jihad, and ask why so many prefer the lesser jihad of violence over the greater jihad of self conquest.

*"Drawing Board" Mohammed, featuring a cartoonist drawing as he nervously looks around in fear of his life, should not only recall Salman Rushdie, but also great Sufi poets who were martyred for pointing out the difference between a sign and the thing signified.

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