[pskmail] Re: Question

  • From: Pär Crusefalk <per@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: pskmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 24 Apr 2011 18:41:07 +0200

Hej Gunnar,

I need to clarify that need somewhat further. The AIS transponder reports data back as NMEA strings consisting of AIVDM and AIVDO messages (as can be seen below). The AIVDO message is your own ship data and AIVDM is data received from other ships. The AIS system is based upon two channels rated at 9600 bps so with many ships there is a lot of data there, standard speed on that serial interface is 38400 bps which handles it nicely. The AIVDO is in principle comparable to the beacon sent over pskmail (granted its not as complete but identity, course, speed etc is in there). So I guess you would want to compress and send the AIVDM messages to marinetraffic? (lots of data there)

Some questions:
How could it be sent to marinetraffic.com, would every server need an account there? What would the benefit for a ship at sea be? The ship has received the data so there is nothing new in there? If the ship wants to see what other AIS-equipped ships is beyond the horizon then it could get a list from aprs.fi? Or perhaps marinetraffic?

73 de Per

2011-04-24 17:16, Gunnar Bulukin skrev:
SA6BQZ-1 is now of the air! Instead SA6BQZ client is on the air;-)
Now to the question.
A lot of boats are using AIS to see and be seen.
Is there a way of transmitting this info vi pskmailclient. When of the
coast more then around 10nm the AIS class does not reach land.
This should of course not be a continues transmit but just taking the
momentary info of 30 sec once every 30 minutes.
The info looks like this:
!AIVDM,1,1,,A,13Mf7v00290iEi<Q7udUATNP0@9L,0*20 <mailto:Q7udUATNP0@9L,0*20>
!AIVDM,1,1,,A,13uDWsg01JPn3e@Pv<aWW68R0@9k,0*30 <mailto:aWW68R0@9k,0*30>
!AIVDM,1,1,,B,13Lwrt002>0hQGhQqPL6O5<T0@:4,0*56 <mailto:T0@:4,0*56>
The info now is sent via broadband and a receiver on the island to
Marinetraffic and Siitech.
73 de SA6BQZ Gunnar

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