[project1dev] Re: UI Art needed

  • From: Alan Wolfe <alan.wolfe@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: project1dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 23 May 2009 09:25:07 -0700

Hey Wurmz!

UI updates...

#1 - i think we can replace the "Type" with "Collision" with a button next
to it.  When you click the button it cycles between "None",
"Sphere","Box","Cylinder","Perfect".  that instead of choosing between
decorative and collision.

#2 - for the material editor we don't just have 1 R,G,B,A oops!  What we

A) Ambient Color - R,G,B sliders
B) Diffuse Color - R,G,B
C) Specular Color - R,G,B
D) Emmisive Color - R,G,B
E) Shinyness - 1 slider
F) Transparency - 1 slider

On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 1:28 PM, Alan Wolfe <alan.wolfe@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> okies (:
> On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 1:28 PM, Matthew Freeland 
> <mattthefiend@xxxxxxxxx>wrote:
>> Indeed, we can talk general outline of the UI before I get too far along,
>> I can go ahead and start designing black and white UI elements so we can
>> recolor it easily later on.
>> On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 11:26 AM, Alan Wolfe <alan.wolfe@xxxxxxxxx>wrote:
>>> cool deal (:
>>> for 2D graphics, images still have to have dimensions that are powers of
>>> 2 don't forget!
>>> If you have ideas for makign the UI better too, I'm not opposed to
>>> changing it (:
>>> But before you invest too much time in a mockup or anything we can talk
>>> about what features are there and what features are planned to be there so
>>> you dont waste your time.
>>> ::shrugs:: (:
>>>   On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 11:23 AM, Matthew Freeland <
>>> mattthefiend@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>> OH hells yeah, when I get home I'll work up a couple ideas for you Mr.
>>>> Alan.
>>>> On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 11:00 AM, Kent Petersen <kentkmp@xxxxxxxxx>wrote:
>>>>> Yeah, that sounds like a lot of fun to play with
>>>>> On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 10:41 AM, Alan Wolfe <alan.wolfe@xxxxxxxxx>wrote:
>>>>>> yeah it'll be neat not to have to do it in script!
>>>>>> You'll be able to define the lighting group regions (the invisible
>>>>>> rectangle that defines how things inside it are lit)
>>>>>> and then you'll be able to create and position lights, and say which
>>>>>> lighting groups they are part of.
>>>>>> And you'll be able to adjust the params of all those lights, like
>>>>>> position, direction, color, intensity...
>>>>>> it should be neat (:
>>>>>> and also being able to edit the color / properties of model materials
>>>>>> in the editor will be rad so we can re-use art peices and just 
>>>>>> re-colorize
>>>>>> them.
>>>>>> Also, all options available in the editor will be available from
>>>>>> script too so we could do weird things like make objects less shiny over
>>>>>> time.  I have no clue why we might want to but giving the power to do so 
>>>>>> I
>>>>>> think is important (:
>>>>>> growl and we need multitexture support and bump mapping soon, it's
>>>>>> gonna be cool!
>>>>>>   On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 9:58 AM, Kent Petersen 
>>>>>> <kentkmp@xxxxxxxxx>wrote:
>>>>>>> Light editor sounds pretty badass
>>>>>>> On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 9:02 AM, Alan Wolfe <alan.wolfe@xxxxxxxxx>wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hey Wurmz, would you wanna do some UI art for the editor?  I was
>>>>>>>> thinkin you'd be great for this but let me know!
>>>>>>>> Here's what i was thinkin....
>>>>>>>> #1 - a checkbox - both checked and unchecked to put to the left of
>>>>>>>> "Casts a shadow" in the info window.  When the check box is clicked, it
>>>>>>>> toggles which image it shows
>>>>>>>> #2 -a "pos" icon button - to put next to the position line in the
>>>>>>>> info window.  There should be a pressed down and not pressed down 
>>>>>>>> version.
>>>>>>>> (like a lil square button with an icon on it that shows something that 
>>>>>>>> kinda
>>>>>>>> makes sense that it is a position control)
>>>>>>>> #3 - a "rot" icon button - for rotation. same as above
>>>>>>>> #4 - a "scale" icon button - for scaling. same as above
>>>>>>>> #5 - some button to go next to "Type" in the info window which when
>>>>>>>> you click it, it will switch from decoration, to collidable, etc (there
>>>>>>>> probably will be more types later!)
>>>>>>>> #6 - a button for the upper left, can be a lil larger, both a
>>>>>>>> pressed and unpressed version, for going into "model edit mode" (ie 
>>>>>>>> the mode
>>>>>>>> we know and love right now)
>>>>>>>> #7 - a button just like above, but for going into "light edit mode"
>>>>>>>> (a new editing mode for editing lights)
>>>>>>>> #8 - i dont really know how this is gonna work, but we'll need some
>>>>>>>> button too in the info window for bringing up a dialog which changes 
>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>> color of a model.  Basically it'll bring up a dialog and for each 
>>>>>>>> material
>>>>>>>> in the model (there may be multiple - but most models only have 1, but 
>>>>>>>> there
>>>>>>>> could be lots!) we should be able to adjust the R,G,B,A of the 
>>>>>>>> material.  I
>>>>>>>> was thinking maybe something like this in the dialog...
>>>>>>>> <=|   [Name of Material]  |=>
>>>>>>>> R ---------O----------------
>>>>>>>> G -----O--------------------
>>>>>>>> B --------------------------O
>>>>>>>> A --------------------------O
>>>>>>>> where the <=| and |=> are buttons to switch to the previos and next
>>>>>>>> materials (we'd need both a pressed and unpressed version of each)
>>>>>>>> and the -----O------  are slider bars (one peice of art for that)
>>>>>>>> and the O on that is some kind of sliding marker that can be dragged 
>>>>>>>> around
>>>>>>>> #9 - bonus? if we had some art to use for dialog boxes here in the
>>>>>>>> editor instead of using the boxes that i've made.  We can leave it for 
>>>>>>>> now
>>>>>>>> though, it doesn't make it any less functional hehe.

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