[lit-ideas] Song of Myself

  • From: Jack Spratt <dosflounder@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 3 Sep 2006 16:20:53 -0700 (PDT)

I am having difficulty in following some of the threads on this list. Partially 
this is my fault since my work limits me to reviewing postings only on 
occasion. I have however detected a note of confusion concerning my pseudonym 
Jack Spratt and my email address. Why this is so I do not know. It is fair to 
explain that due to the nature of my employment I cannot divulge my identity. 
However, I stand with Mark Twain, Philoktet, Cary Grant, and 265 Popes who 
opted for illusion rather than boring given names. Identity is mostly fluid on 
the internet from my experience and I intend to keep on swimming, flounder-like.
  Some particulars of my life are that I live and work on the Island of the 
Manhattos. As another fearless New Yorker said, I am Manhattanese, friendly and 
proud! (He wound up getting tarred and feathered, but that was in uncivilized 
Long Island.) I live with my bulldog, Kurtz enjoying each other?s company and 
composing pseudonyms. We both look forward to joining in the conversations.


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