[lit-ideas] Re: Israel's Invasion Pretext UnderFire

  • From: Paul Stone <pas@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2006 15:19:38 -0400

For Paul, this would be a ridiculous discussion if we weren't literally staring into the
face of WWIII. Iran aligning with Russia, possibly China; Israel with the
U.S.; a country lying in ruins, etc. Some people are bothered by little
things like that more than you are.

Like always, you are over-reacting. This is NOT the start of WWIII. And you know what, if it is, there's not a fucking thing I can do about it. This actually maybe a war that is manufactured by the press. I'm sick of hearing it. How is this conflagration any different than all the others? Israel's been in Beirut for 28 years. Big deal. They are protecting themselves.

I am losing faith in everything these days. Ole Floyd (winner of this year's very bizarre but tremendously exciting tour DAY france) tests positive? Can't wait to hear Lemond {greg, who's remarks on Sunday amounted to "it's great to see a clean bike-rider win"} after today's news.

Now I can hear you saying "What, you are more interested in a bike race than a 'war'?!?" Basically, yeah, I am. I'm sick of hearing about the Middle East. It IS ridiculous and I DON'T care about it. I'm more concerned with the war at home. It's much more important to me. Just trying to exist is hard enough, let alone trying to deal with all these religious maniacs around the world -- Bush included.

Here's what I wrote yesterday and decided not to send. At this point, what the hell. I'll join the fray... it's almost the weekend.

As I see it -- perhaps a little like Teemu, but probably more extreme than he -- both sides are to blame for the problems in the ME and the solution lies in ONLY one of two possible situations -- either the Israelis completely acquiesce or the Islamicists completely acquiesce. Both sides have proven for 40-60 years that there is no compromise possible. And I can't pick a side. In fact, I don't really have sympathy for or surprise at either side's actions/plight.

Stan argues that the Palestinians left because they knew the Arab states were going to attack, but the Jews 'fled' because of persecution. So leaving and fleeing are different on this technicality? Honestly though, could you pick a WORSE spot to locate the Jewish homeland? If there is a God, he's got a twisted sense of humour.

The current "Israel" was created in the late 40s and foisted upon the occupiers of that land, granted, not by the Jews, they simply moved in, but by the UN and other imperialistic entities. Of COURSE the Palestinians have a right to be pissed. Who wouldn't be?

But... The Palestinians have done nothing but scratch and claw and throw stones for 50 years instead of actually trying to DO something to further their position in the world. They are monolithically tunnel-visioned.

So... am I anti-semitic -- I use this term as it has been half-inched almost exclusively by Jewish zealots pejoratively to describe someone who 'hates Jews"? Of course not. Am I anti-Zionist? Yes, insofar as the creation of a homeland was handled. I think the manufacturing of Israel [as is] was a very bad idea. On the world stage, there is almost NOTHING good about it happening -- unless of course you count the US's strategic alliance with them to "maintain" a position in the M.E. And, well, that's only good for US miliatary strategists.

Am I am I anti-arab? No. Am I anti-Islam? You bet I am. On the world stage, there is almost NOTHING good about its current status as a dangerous religion -- even more dangerous than other ones -- and they even fight like dogs amongst themselves... shia, sunni, wahaabi, etc. They all claim to be viciously right. They all viciously claim to be right. They claim a right to be vicious.

So... I am completely indifferent to the war; because, objectively, I can understand:

1) Why Hezbollah, Fatah, Hamas exist and why they want to annihilate Israel

and at the same time,

2) Why Israel has shown great restraint, but is now protecting itself

But, both sides are obviously to blame. The theocracies are to blame for being vicious terrorists who have no value in life and are immersed in a stone-age mentality out of which nothing [apparently] can drag them. The Israelis are to blame for setting up camp in a disaster area and then complaining about it. There just doesn't seem to be any way of settling it unless one screams "Uncle" and gets out of dodge. That will never happen, so we will have ongoing terror and retaliation for ever. Such is life in the Middle East.

To complain about an inevitability is to whine. Whining solves nothing. This is why I've been quiet. Even now, I'm not whining about either side, I'm whining about the existence of such a ridiculous situation.

Also, people complain that the discussions are political, yet I asked a philosophical question recently
(the underpinnings of the lusting in one's heart as sin), and there were no
takers outside of one poem from Ursula for which I extend my thanks.

Hey, you don't have to tell me about trying to start a literature or philosophical conversation and getting nowhere.

Therefore, in the absence of parrying someone on the merits, I would
encourage you to become acquainted with the delete key on your computer.

Nah... unlike some third persons, I read everything. Then at least I know what the hell I'm talking about when I talk about it.

For those who feel the need to continue sniping from the sidelines by
addressing people in the third person, then certainly we still have freedom
of speech, Bush's 800 signing statements notwithstanding, so feel free to
continue.  Ignoring you and deleting you is much easier done than said.

Of if you only could resist.


Paul Stone
Kingsville, ON, Canada

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