[lit-ideas] Re: Aaaaaargh

  • From: Paul Stone <pas@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2006 11:19:22 -0400

Andy Amago wrote:
You don't know and you don't care.   Thanks for making that clear.

US: Yikes, Irene, that's a sad response to Mike's poetic offering. Do you really see no beauty?

My guess is that Andy quit reading mike's response before his last paragraph -- which really was the POINT of it. If she did read it and STILL made her characteristically sniping response then she's even more clueless (blame it all on the unconscious) than I thought. Really Andy, I just don't understand why you continue to participate if you have such incredible scorn for _people_.

Eric's right, just the fact that we write back and forth on this list is evidence that we are celebrating life. Some things really are simplistic.

Just walking your dog can be great. I'm sure Lawrence could tell you all about it, but you'd probably not listen.

Just watching a cat play with a cricket can be joyful -- I'm sure you'll say "not for poor defenceless cricket".

Just doing some gardening and suddenly realizing that you have been studying a bumble bee's movements for 15 minutes can be great.

Really you should get out and enjoy life. You only get one.

celebrating life even though I've had one or another ailments in my body for nearly all of 2006,
consciously yours,

Paul Stone
Kingsville, ON, Canada

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